This charming asshole runs your favorite asset shop.


Hey! I’m Doron. Welcome to the shop. I’ve been a freelance graphic designer working in the apparel and music industry for almost a decade - and my heart lies in the threads of each t-shirt I’ve crafted in that time. When I first started designing, trying to figure out all the cool techniques and effects from my favorite designers was like getting blood from a stone. Eventually, I learned all of it and more from hundreds of hours messing around in Photoshop. But I wondered why all these techniques aren’t more accessible to newer designers. That’s why I started Doron Supply. Because I wish I had these all these tools and tutorials back when I started designing.

I hope that you get value from this project of mine. By supporting me and my work, you’re helping me achieve my goal of lowering the barrier of entry into design by means of user-friendly assets. Thank you for being here.


When will my order ship?

These are digital downloads, not physical products. No product is being shipped to you. These exist exclusively in a digital space and are meant for Adobe Photoshop and other image editing programs.

Where can I download these assets?

After your purchase, you will immediately be sent an email with the download link for the respective product you purchased.

Where can I learn to design?

I host a YouTube channel where I record tutorials for certain concepts within design. If you have a basic knowledge of Photoshop I highly recommend you start there. For further guidance, reach out to me on Instagram: @doronstudio.

Can I use your assets for commercial use?

All my assets are open for personal and commercial use once purchased.

What physical blanks do you use for the digital mockups? Which would you recommend?

I use a wide range of garments for these mockups. I try to list where they’re sourced in the product descriptions. Sometimes they are not blanks, rather vintage pieces transformed into a mockup. As for blanks suggestions, Los Angeles Apparel and Rue Porter offer some great vintage blanks to start out with.

I have a problem with my order, where can I get this resolved?

Please make sure you read through the installation files and watch the complimentary demo videos before reaching out. If you’ve done this and are still having issues or haven’t received your order, email me at or DM me on Instagram (@doronstudio).